Parliament Words Ban: BJP stopping opposition MPs from exercising their democratic rights, claims opposition

Debjit Mukherjee: Ahead of the monsoon session of the parliament, the Lok Sabha secretariat released a new booklet which contains the list of words which will be considered as unparliamentary.

English words listed as unparliamentary

The English words listed as unparliamentary include ’bloodshed’, ’bloody’, ’betrayed’, ’ashamed’, ’abused’, ’cheated, ’chamcha’, ’chamchagiri’, ’chelas’, ’childishness’, ’corrupt’, ’coward’, ’criminal’ and ’crocodile tears’.

Besides words like ’disgrace’, ’donkey’, ’drama’, ’eyewash’, ’fudge’, ’hooliganism’, ’hypocrisy’, ’incompetent’, ’mislead’, ’lie’ and ’untrue’ would also be prohibited for use in Parliament henceforth.

Unparliamentary Hindi words

Hindi words listed as unparliamentary include ’anarchist’, ’gaddar’, ’girgit’, ’goons’, ’ghadiyali ansu’, ’apmaan’, ’asatya’, ’ahankaar’, ’corrupt’, ’kala din’, ’kala bazaari’ and ’khareed farokht’.

Besides, words like ’danga’, ’dalal’, ’daadagiri’, ’dohra charitra’, ’bechara’, ’bobcut’, ’lollypop’, ’vishwasghat’, ’samvedanheen’, ’foolish’, ’pitthu’, ’behri sarkar’ and ’sexual harassment’ would be considered as unparliamentary and would not be included as part of record.

The move sparked outrage in the opposition. As per oppositions, BJP is now stopping opposition MPs from exercising their democratic rights.

Government sources said “Today, the opposition has created a lot of hue and cry about the compilation of unparliamentary words in the parliament. But what is amusing is that they have tried to create a storm without knowing the facts. This list is brought out every year”.

“The list is not a new suggestion, but merely a compilation of words already expunged in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha or state legislatures. It also contains a list of words considered unparliamentary in parliaments of Commonwealth countries. Most of these words were considered unparliamentary even during the UPA government. The booklet is mere compilation of the words, not suggestions or order” it added.