Debjit Mukherjee, Kolkata: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday asked three banks at Bolpur town in Bengal’s Birbhum district to provide details of transactions made by Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Anubrata Mondal and his relatives and associates who are suspects in the cattle smuggling case, officials of the federal agency said.
CBI has sent notices to the Punjab National Bank (PNB), State Bank of India (SBI) and Axis Bank, where Mondal, his daughter Sukanya and the other suspects have got accounts.
During the day, CBI grilled Kerim Khan, a district TMC leader, for more than seven hours at the agency’s Kolkata office. Khan, who is known to be a close associate of Mondal, was questioned on Tuesday as well at the agency’s camp office in Bolpur.