News Desk: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee, in a tweet on Thursday, expressed her delight over the Bangla Sahayata Kendras (BSKs) crossing the one-crore service delivery landmark since their launch in 2020. She tweeted: “3561 BSKs were set up across the state to provide govt services for free to the people at the grassroots. Congratulations to everyone for the milestone”. An official said out of the 1.1 crore requests till date, the state had provided 1.07 crore services. He said on Thursday alone 3 lakh service requests were made and 2.8 lakh of them delivered.
The BSKs allow people to apply for various state government schemes, including Lakshmir Bhandar, Swasthya Sathi, Kanyashree, Yuvashree, Rupashree, Gatidhara, Khadya Sathi and Krishak Bandhu. One can lodge a complaint with the CMO’s grievance cell if any BSK fails to deliver a legitimate service.
Earlier, people who didn’t have access to the internet at home had to visit paid cyber cafes to file applications for various schemes under education, agriculture, fisheries, finance and backward classes departments, among others. At the 3,561 BSKs, which are manned by 7,120 personnel, they can apply for free.