News Desk: At a meeting with different Durga puja committees, on Tuesday, West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee requested people to follow Covid-19 protocols during the pujas. She also advised puja organisers to distribute face masks and sanitisers among those who might have come to the pandal without one.
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s speech
“Faith may be personal but our festivals are universal. I appeal to the people of the state to follow Covid-19 protocols during Durga Puja.
The state government has decided to provide Rs 50,000 as financial assistance to Durga puja committees across the state. 36,000 puja organisers in the rest of the state and 2,500 committees in Kolkata will be able to avail themselves of these benefits.
I request puja organisers to distribute face masks and sanitisers among those who might have come to the pandal without one.
I urge the puja committees to spread awareness about the state government’s various social schemes to people during the puja.
People faced a lot of problems last year due to financial crisis. So, this time we would not announce any new curbs during the pujas.
We must be careful that no one is able to provoke violence during the festivities”
When asked whether night curfew will be relaxed or not, she said “Decision about this will be taken after bypolls”