News Desk: Amid Narayan Rane row, an old video of Uddhav Thackeray went viral on social media where he can be heard saying that Adityanath should be beaten up with sandals. He had slammed Adityanath for not removing his footwear while garlanding a photo of Shivaji during his visit to Palghar. The BJP on Wednesday lodged a complaint, at Sarkarwada Police Station in Nashik, over comment made by him against Yogi Adityanath in 2018.
Meanwhile, BJP’s Yavatmal district president also submitted a complaint to police demanding registration of FIR against Thackeray for his “provocative” remarks against Adityanath during his Dussehra speech on October 25 last year.
Video of Thackeray saying Yogi Adityanath should be beaten up with sandals
In 2018, a year before assuming charge of as Maharashtra Chief Minister, Uddhav Thackeray said that Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath should be beaten up with sandals.
In the video, he said “How can he become the Chief Minister if he is a yogi? He should left everything and sit in a cave. He sits in the chief minister’s chair and calls himself a yogi. This Yogi came like a balloon filled with air (for Shivaji’s coronation)…While garlanding a photo of Shivaji Maharaj he was wearing chappal. I felt like hitting him with the same chappal. Who are you to even stand in front of Maharaj?”