News Desk: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party led central government for their plans in destroying the nation’s informal sector. In “Arthvyavastha Ki Baat, Rahul Gandhi ke saath” he said
“I can give you three examples right now: demonetisation, wrong Goods and Service Tax, and lockdown. Don’t think as though there were no thoughts behind this lockdown. The aim was to destroy the informal sector.”
He also stated that the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to take a huge sum of money for themselves from the informal sector.
“The result will be that India will not be able to create employment because the informal sector provides employment to more than 90% if the population. India will not be able to generate jobs if this is broken. The citizens are being cheated and are being prepared to become slaves. We have to identify this attack and fight it.”
He also praised former Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh for his efforts in managing recession
“He told me that in order to understand the situation, you will have to know that there are of two kinds of economy here: organised and non-organised. The first one involves major companies while the second includes farmers, labourers, small shop owners and middle-sized companies. Till the day the non-organised sector is strong, no economic storm can touch India”