News Desk: Now, retired IPS officer M. Nageswara Rao made a derogatory comment on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha (RSS) by calling them ‘Pseudo Hindutva Fraud’ on Twitter. The retired officer also called for an ‘RSS Mukt Bharat’. His comments came in response to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s speech in Mumbai on Monday.

In a series of tweets, Rao slammed the RSS and asked people to boycott them. His bio indicates his mission which is “equal rights for Hindus and expose pseudo Hindutva”
M. Nageswara Rao’s tweet on the RSS
The retired IPS officer took to Twitter to slam the RSS. Rao gave his views in a thread and later he shared the thread contents in one page.
“The RSS is taking Hindus and Hinduism on the golden path of destruction. High time for all Hindus to boycott #PseudoHindutva fraud and work for #RSS_Mukt_Bharat.
There is no world outside our minds.
How Islam wins? It creates unyielding minds. They never soften, they never adjust, they never accommodate. Eventually Kafirs blink. Islam loves nothing more than Kafirs suing for peace, Kafirs ready to accommodate Islam.
But Islam is on a ratchet. It moves only in one direction: Kafirs shrink, it expands.
In RSS, Islam now sees tired Kafirs, weary, ready to compromise, even by telling lies to themselves.
Giving such signals to an enemy that has only one plan for you — extermination– is endangering the lives of 110 crore Hindus. Islam sees signs of weakness only as the provocation to unleash more violence, to finish the job early.
Fear is only in mind, courage is only in mind. By choosing fear, the RSS is giving courage to Islam, taking Hindus and Hinduism on the golden path of destruction.
Mohan Bhagwat’s speech in Mumbai
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Monday stressed that Islam came to India with invaders and Muslims have nothing to fear in the country.
Speaking at an event organised by Pune-based Global Strategic Policy Foundation, Bhagwat said that Hindus and Muslims share the same ancestry and every Indian citizen is a “Hindu”.
Addressing the seminar titled “Nation First, Nation Supreme”, he stated that Islam came to India with invaders and this fact should not be hidden.
“Islam came to India with invaders. This is history and should be told in that manner. Sane Muslim leaders should oppose unnecessary issues and stand firmly against fundamentalists and hardliners. The more we do this at the earliest, the less damage it will cause to our society” the RSS chief said.
Bhagwat said that Muslims should not live in fear in India as Hindus don’t hold enmity towards anyone.
“Those who want to break the nation try to say ‘we are not one, we are separate’. One should not fall prey to it. We are one nation. We shall remain united as a nation. This is what we, at the RSS think, and I’m here to convey this to you” he said.
“The word Hindu was equivalent to motherland, ancestors and Indian culture. This is not disrespecting other views. We have to think in terms of gaining Indian dominance and not Muslim dominance” Bhagwat asserted.
“The word Hindu is equivalent to the rich heritage of our motherland, ancestors and culture, and every Indian is a Hindu” the RSS chief added.