News Desk: Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Monday took a dig at the Yogi Adityanath led BJP government of Uttar Pradesh. He said that BJP and RSS had no role in India’s freedom and also claimed that like the British, BJP’s intention has also been to disintegrate the society.
He said “BJP and RSS had nothing to do with the freedom movement. How can people in the BJP know about respecting martyrs? The BJP is working against social harmony and like the British, its intention has also been to disintegrate the society. There is a need to be cautious about this”
The SP chief also told an incident where a soldier’s wife and sons were humiliated by the Yogi government. “On the eve of Kranti Diwas, a slain soldier’s wife and sons went to meet Yogi Adityanath in Agra. But they were humiliated and driven away. It’s a condemnable incident” he said.
He said “The dream of the martyrs of August Kranti was to establish the rule of farmers, labourers and youth in the country so that everyone could live a life of dignity and respect and it is the responsibility of the Samajwadi Party to realise this dream. Samajwadi Party is committed to saving the constitutional values committed to ensuring a prosperous and secure life for every citizen”