News Desk: With few days before the Durga Puja celebrations commence, an idol resembling West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been installed in a theme-based pandal in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas. The pandal situated in the Nazrul Park Unnayan Samithi of Baguihati in Kolkata shows the idol of CM Banerjee with 10 hands depicting the schemes undertaken by the TMC government in the state.
The installation of a Durga idol resembling CM Mamata Banerjee earlier faced controversies after the organisers of the Durga Puja pandal committee took the decision.
Talking about the idol, it has been constructed with fibreglass and sports white saree along with the logo of Biswa Bangla in the background. The theme artist spoke about the overall pandal and said that it took around 1.5 months to complete the overall pandal while maintaining the COVID-19 protocols in place. Also, the workers had to be convinced for working at the site. “We made sure that all of them have received their vaccines. Then only they agreed to come to work” he added.