News Desk: “I’ve made lakhs of people laugh, lighting up their faces,” stand-up comic Munawar Faruqui said in an Instagram post with a photo that shows him beaming, days after he was released from jail after 35 days in a case of allegedly “insulting Hindu Gods and Goddesses” during a show.
“Mere ander ke andheron ko karne do shikayat. Hasa kar lakhon chehron ko roshan kiya hai maine,” he wrote. Translated from Urdu, it means, “Let the darkness inside me complain. I’ve made lakhs of people laugh, lighting up their faces.”
Mr Faruqui, 29, walked out of a jail in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore late Saturday night, a day after the Supreme Court granted him bail last Friday. The court had also issued notice to the Madhya Pradesh government and put on hold a warrant against him in Uttar Pradesh.
The comedian was arrested on a complaint by a BJP MLA’s son over a show in Indore on January 1. Four others were also arrested.
All of them were accused of making “filthy and indecent jokes” about Hindu Gods and Goddesses, as well as Home Minister Amit Shah, according to the complaint by Eklvaya Singh Gaur, the son of a BJP MLA.
Mr Faruqui was denied bail thrice. Refusing him bail on January 28, the Madhya Pradesh High Court had said the possibility of more “incriminating material” could not be ruled out as investigations were still on.
His latest Instagram photo (and caption), posted after a gap of over a month, have collected over 98,000 “likes”.