Hygiene buckets distributed to tribal children of Rajnagar from the favour of Italian NGO

News Desk: Hygiene buckets distributed to tribal children of Rajnagar from the favour of Italian NGO.

Tribal children ( Tribalistic sendtary communites) are given Hygiene buckets at Gurkata village in Rajnagar of Bribhum District from the favour of Italian NGO MISSION CALCUTTA ONLUS.

105 Tribal children from the villages (Karanjoboni, Tarasol, Belbuni, Gurkata, Machantoli) received HYGIENE BUCKET with Soap, Washing powder, Shampoo, Hair oil, band-aid, mask and Sanitary napkin pad for mothers, with the financial support of MISSIONE CALCUTTA ONLUS an Italian NGO, in COVID PANDEMIC situation, to maintain basic Hygiene of the Community. As an implementing organisation Rajnagar REWARD WELFARE ASSOCIATION is very much thankful for this support of MISSIONE CALCUTTA ONLUS.