News Desk: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday referred to Lord Ram as a symbol of Indianness while releasing for four volume book on him.
The Ayodhya Shodh Sansthan and Vani Prakashan has carried out research work for the book ‘Ram in Indian Languages’.
The book carries details about Lord Ram in 17 Indian languages.
Addressing the gathering, the CM said: “Lord Ram is the symbol of Indianness”.
Adityanath discussed relevance of lord Ram even in a Muslim country like Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea.
On the occasion, the CM also announced that encyclopaedia on Ram will be available.
The Ayodhya Shodh Sansthan is carrying out research work on this encyclopaedia.
“Even today Ramayan serial is watched with much eagerness like it was on its first telecast” said CM.
He also pointed out how Ramayan serial that was telecast on Doordarshan during lockdown scaled up TRP rating of the national broadcaster.
Also present on the occasion, Vidhan Sabha speaker Hriday Narain Dikshit said: “Those who used to call Ram an imaginary figure are now eager to go to Ayodhya”.
He referred to Ram as being India’s soul.