News Desk: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee hits back at Union Home Minister Amit Shah hours after his ‘Bharastachari TMC’ remark. Addressing a meeting with representatives of the civil society, she responded to such a remark by asking that from where his son has got so much money.
She said, “The Union Home minister once again in Bengal and he is threatening us. Look at his body language and he is expecting curtsey from us. His speech starts with negative comments on Bengal and ends with negative comments. I would like to ask him to look at Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana and tell us about the law and order situation there. He called me ‘bharastachari’. I would like to ask him to prove his allegations against me or else he should resign immediately. If I am corrupt, what about his son. From where he got so much money? I would like to tell him that he may abuse me but he cannot ignore me”
She added “They have looted everything and now they are after the farmers. They are taunting them by using words like ‘andolan jeevi’. I think being ‘andolan jeevi’ is one of the biggest democratic rights of any person. Even I believe in standing beside the downtrodden and oppressed people”
She further added “The kind of language our Home Minister is using shows his arrogance and desperation to capture Bengal. They want to capture Bengal forcibly. If he thinks that he will be able to scare me then he should listen to me carefully, that I can slit my throat but I will not bow down before them. They are desperate to play a game in Bengal. I challenge them. Let’s play democratic game and we will see how many goals BJP will secure. His negative comments shows that they have realised that they will not be able to make it this time in Bengal in the upcoming Assembly polls. I would like to urge the people of Bengal to unite against these evil forces who want to turn Bengal into a disturbed zone”