News Desk: Violence between Trinamool Congress (TMC) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took place in Adi Saptagram in West Bengal’s Hooghly district. Two from the Hindutva outfit got injured.
The BJP said that they had put up banners in support of the contentious Farm Bills and the TMC workers tore and took down the banners. On noticing the torn banners, BJP cadres had filed a written complaint in local Polba Police Station. Violence took place between both and the saffron party claimed that the TMC injured two of their workers. The BJP workers, Santa Baul Das and Khokan Baul Das, suffered injuries on their heads. They have been taken to local Mogra Gramin Hospital.
Kalyan Bolel, the district president of Hooghly from BJP visited the hospital. He said “With elections coming close, the violence by TMC is getting uncontrollable. They are being anxious to resist BJP. But they won’t succeed in taking BJP away from people”
TMC party’s district secretary in Hooghly Dilip Yadav denied such allegations. He said “Trinamool did not take down the banners. Common people are expressing their dissatisfaction against the anti-farmer Central Government. That is what led to this situation. Trinamool has no connection with it”