News Desk: On Tuesday, Yogi Adityanath’s ‘Ram Rajya’ witnessed a massive protest by farmers. Outside the Greater Noida Authority Office, around 100 farmers, including women, gathered to demand developed land and jobs to locals ahead of chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s visit to Dadri on Wednesday.
At Loni’s Mandola, farmers protested by digging up pits in the green belt area to press for amendments to the Centre’s new farm laws and also to get more compensation for their lands acquired under the Mandola housing scheme of the UP Housing and Development Board (UPHDB).
Farmers Protest outside Greater Noida Authority’s office
Around 100 farmers of the Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, including women, gathered outside the Grater Noida authority office in Knowledge Park IV to demand developed land and jobs to locals ahead of chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s visit to Dadri on Wednesday.
Kisan Sangharsh Samiti spokesperson Manvir Bhati said “Authority acquired land from around 2,000 people in 2010 and promised 64% increased compensation, jobs to locals, and 10% developed land. They gave the compensation to the families. However, the other two promises have not been fulfilled”
“We recently came to know that the UP government has turned down the proposal of giving developed land to farmers. We are protesting so that the UP government meets our demands” he added.
Police also served notices to some farmer leaders for holding the protest despite Section 144 of the CRPC in effect. However, several farmers defied the notices and joined the protest.
Deputy commissioner of police, Noida Central, Harish Chander said “Farmers protested from 12pm until the night. Policemen have been deployed in the area to ensure law and order enforcement. The Greater Noida authority officials are talking to them to resolve the matter”
Manager of Greater Noida Authority, Neeraj Johar said “Protesting farmers had various demands. The authority officials are holding a meeting with farmers. We will be able to share details once the meeting is over”
Farmers protest at Loni’s Mandola
Farmers dugged 17 pits in the green belt area at Loni’s Mandola to protest the Center’s Farm Laws and get more compensation for their lands acquired under the Mandola housing scheme of the UP Housing and Development Board (UPHDB).
Ghaziabad police have booked eight farmers, including their leader Manvir Teotia. According to police, the case was registered under IPC sections 332 (voluntarily causing hurt to deter public servant from his duty), 447 (criminal trespass), 427 (causing damages), 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant), 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life), and under provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act and the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act.
Teotia said “We are protesting peacefully. The housing board has lodged an FIR against us, but we will continue with our peaceful protest at the site”
Neeraj Tyagi, another farmer leader who was also named in the FIR, said “Seven farmers, including our leader, are continuing with hunger strike while others are sitting in the pits as part of the protest. Our protest will continue. Some women volunteers have also joined the protest”
Iraj Raja, superintendent of police (rural), said “The FIR was lodged against the farmers at Tronica City police station on a complaint given by housing board officials on September 18. The farmers are still continuing with their protests”
DB Singh, superintending engineer from UPHDB, said “The farmers have dug up pits in the green belt and this is causing obstruction on the road. It is now up to police to investigate the case”