News Desk: West Bengal Transport Minister Firhad Hakim has been booked for allegedly using abusive language against Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb during a rally on November 20 in Sonamura town. He was also accused of threatening BJP supporters by saying that if one TMC worker is assaulted in Tripura, five members of the saffron party will be beaten up in West Bengal within five minutes.
BJP leader Sohel Rana lodged the complaint, on the basis of which a first information report was filed against Hakim at Sonamura police station in Tripura on Monday evening. He has been booked under Section 506 of the Indian Penal Code that deals with criminal intimidation.
TMC leader Kunal Ghosh claimed that the BJP had been filing false cases against the party’s workers to scare them ahead of the civic body election. He alleged that the podium from where the transport minister delivered his speech on November 20 was ransacked. He added that a complaint was lodged with the police, but no one has been arrested yet.