News Desk: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee announced Puja gift for young IT personnel on Friday before the upcoming ‘Durga Puja‘. She took to Twitter to declare the direct engagement of young IT personnel as contractual staff of Government of West Bengal.
She tweeted “Bengal is known for its e-governance & today I’m pleased to announce my Pujo gift for young IT personnel working to improve our e-services for the people of Bengal. Webel/WTL/agency-engaged IT staff in state govt shall now be directly engaged as contractual staff of GoWB”
She added “They will also get 30 days leave & 10 days medical leave annually along with usual maternity leaves for women. They’ll have tenure certainty till 60 years age & get ₹3 L on attaining 60 years as terminal benefit. Further, Swasthya Sathi will cover their medical expenses”