News Desk: Jabalpur connection of Hathras incident of UP has been revealed. The SIT of UP Police has revealed that a conspiracy was being hatched to incite ethnic riots in UP under the guise of Hathras scandal. In this, a woman from Jabalpur, who belonged to the Naxalites, was becoming the sister-in-law of the deceased in the house of the victim’s family. The woman whose naxal connection is being told for 4 days in the house of the victim’s family is Dr. Rajkumari Bansal, a resident of Jabalpur. However, he flatly denied the Naxalite connection.
Rajkumari Bansal is an assistant professor in the forensic department at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur. In a special conversation with Zee Media, Dr. Bansal admitted that she had gone to Hathras and lived in the family of the victim, but she is neither her relative nor she has any Naxal connection in any way.
According to Dr. Bansal , with the victim’s family, which remained from 4-7 October, she had stayed in the house of the victim’s family from October 4 to October 7. Where he also gave financial help to the victim’s family. Their motive behind this was to support their afflicted family of society. Doctor Rajkumari Bansal has denied her connection with the Naxalites and said that she will also take legal action against those who propagate such. In the case of phone tapping, he said that the police will complain in the cyber cell.
UP SIT investigation reached Jabalpur, let us tell you that these things came out in front of the ongoing investigation of Hathras scandal. Is the woman’s connection with Bhima Army or any other organization? It is also being investigated whether he had any connection with any Naxalite organization. The team of SIT is now investigating this connection of women in Jabalpur.
Any political or social delegation disappeared when CCTV was installed, this woman was present with the family. Used to talk to the people involved in delegation. But as soon as the administration installed CCTV cameras and listed the family’s relationship with the people living in the victim’s house, Dr. Rajkumari Bansal disappeared from there, raising questions about who she was. “?
The minister had told the Naxalite connection, however, the minister in the Shivraj government, Bhupendra Singh, had said that the woman living with the victim’s family has a Naxal connection. The minister said that this conspiracy is going on to break the country and it seems to be part of that conspiracy. Rahul Gandhi is seen standing with the conspiracy that broke the country. More facts will be revealed in the coming days.